The US Army at the start of the Gulf War was still using a lot of olive drab or Woodland equipment which was less than ideal. Further more, the ability to keep sand/dust of ones personal gear was of major concern. These pack covers addressed both issues - provide some much needed camouflage and will keep dust from being blown through all your gear.
These pack covers are as straight forward as they can get. They have a thick elastic chord sewn onto the inside of the rim which can be stretched over your pack. Also they can be used to cover car tires and other various bits of gear to prevent dust from smothering them. Perfect for external gear storage when off road driving or if you find yourself slogging it in the outback.
- Genuine US Army surplus
- Elastic rim - no fuss attachment
- Will fit ALICE pack sizes but can stretch easily over other items such as car tires
- Hard wearing and tightly woven material to keep sand out
NSN: 8465 01 327 5361
Volume: Will fit ALICE packs (55L)
Weight: Approx 0.4kg
Colour: 3 Colour Desert Camouflage
Condition: Used/Good - Item is well used. There may be marks/stains/scratches or repairs, but it is still in functioning order. If you want more information on our condition ratings, check out our condition guide
*Note* The latest batch of these pack covers have organge-brown marks to the outers - possibly from storage or dye. See last image for an example.
28 Mar
- 04 Apr
Estimated Delivery by
26 Mar
Order placed
27 Mar - 28 Mar
28 Mar - 04 Apr