The time will come when you need to protect your essential gear and clothing from rain and water. Be prepared and pick up this waterproof bag for those wet scenarios. Constructed from a trilaminated PVC fabric for durability, abrasion resistance and most importantly, water tightness. Simply throw in your essential kit, roll down the top and then clip it together. Two D-rings around the top provide additional fastening points. This 50 litre bag could be used as a waterproof rucksack lining to protect your essential clothing, sleeping bag and important hiking gear. Also ideal for camping, boating and kayaking!
- Abrasion resistant trilaminate PVC fabric
- Water-tight roll closure
- Two D-rings for additional fastening
- 50 litre capacity
Capacity: 50 Litres
50L: 60cm Height x 50cm Diameter (un-rolled)
Manufacturer: Mil-Tec
Content: PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride), plastic buckle and D-rings.
Colour: Olive Drab
Condition: New - Commercial New Product (Non-Military issue). If you want more information on our condition ratings, check out our condition guide
Estimate shipping
19 Mar
- 26 Mar
Estimated Delivery by
16 Mar
Order placed
18 Mar - 19 Mar
19 Mar - 26 Mar