These large 36 litre military style packs are quality made, perfect for outdoor enthusiasts and general use. They feature US army functionality and style without all the wear and tear you usually get with surplus equipment. With four separate compartments, you'll find you have room for all your gear.
These bags are great for the student life, loaded with pockets and compartments. The main compartment has an internal pocket for things like stationary, and a mesh pocket for books and tablet storage. In the next compartment, there is another handy pocket, the perfect size for cell phones or wallets. There are two pockets on the front of the bag, both for general storage. What sets this one apart from other assault packs is the water resistance. Coated with polyurethane it will keep all but the mightiest of downpours out and looks great in a civilian setting. Other handy features are a removable/wearable paracord carry handle and a utility paracord looping on the front pouch for carrying bike helmets or spare gear externally. A sharp looking pack coupled with tons of practical features - perfect for the outdoors or your daily commute!
- 36 litre capacity
- Two main compartments
- Two front pockets
- Two-way zippers with glove friendly pull tabs
- One ABS plastic carabiner
- Water resistant polyurethane coating
- External para-cord utility loop with skull & frag cord stopper
- Adjustable and padded shoulder straps with D-rings
- Adjustable and removable hip belt with quick release buckle
- Top paracord carry handle with quick release buckle
- Side and bottom compression straps
- Various MOLLE attachment points
- Hook & loop area for adding ID/morale patches
Dimensions: 50cm H x 30cm W x 30 D
Weight: 1.4kg
Content: 1000D Polyester, Polyurethane coated
Colours: Black
Condition: New - Commercial New Product (Non-Military issue). If you want more information on our condition ratings, check out our condition guide
19 Mar
- 26 Mar
Estimated Delivery by
15 Mar
Order placed
18 Mar - 19 Mar
19 Mar - 26 Mar