Are you planning a camping trip or overnight hike? We have everything you need to survive in the wilderness. Check out our collection of military survival gear to prepare for your next outdoor adventure. Browse our army tents, cooking and food preparation equipment, and much more.
Our army camping gear will keep you protected during those long camping days. Our army tents will provide all the shelter you need. For harsher weather conditions, you can pick up one of our waterproof tents, available in a range of sizes to suit any camping environment.
Comfortable sleeping bags are another essential item for any camping enthusiast. We have military sleeping bags for every season. Whether you’re camping in pleasant autumn weather or extreme wintry conditions, we’ve got you covered. Browse all the best military surplus camping gear for sale to find what you need.
Military Grade Survival Gear
Our military grade survival gear will get you through all your outdoor adventures. We have a great selection of cooking and food preparation equipment. Here you’ll find dinnerware sets, army mess kits, cookware, utensils and more. We have all your military survival gear essentials to create delicious meals on the go.
If you want to go full army style, pick up one of our MREs & ration packs. These ready-made meals are the most convenient way to fuel your energy while camping, trekking or backpacking. Often used by soldiers on the field, they’re ideal for survival situations.
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